Chest 2/3
First chest workout of February in the books! I do have to admit, I felt a little better than I performed going into this workout. I've been really working hard to improve my bench press for the past several months and although it has come up a lot, I've been stuck the last couple weeks at 275lbsX2. I was pretty confident I was getting 3 reps out of it last night but that didn't happen lol. My goal has been to get this for 5 reps so I still got some reps to go before I get there. I have been training VERY hard for the last few months though and I think I may need to simply implement a deload week here sometime soon..(Which will be while I'm on vacation in two weeks) Overall, it was a pretty good workout just wasn't my best but I live to lift another day! Anyway here is the full routine. Started with heavy presses as always and moved on from there. Give it a go! #ConfessoreConditioning #CreateTheBestYou
1) Flat bench 20/15/10 (Warm up)
Work sets: 225lbs/6 245lbs/4 275lbs/2 275lbs/1
Pause rep sets (3-5 second pause) 225lbs/4 225lbs/4 205lbs/6
2)Incline hammer strength press 15/13/12/12 drop 10
3) Body weight dips till failure 12/12/10/8
4) Incline cable fly's (Positioned at lowest setting, raising cables up in front of pecs) 20/20/15/15
5) Dumbbell lateral raises 20/20/20 (I like hitting these at the end of chest on occasion to ties things together)