Chest/Back: 8/28/2019
What’s going on guys! So tonight’s workout went REALLY well. I’m liking this new training split I’ve been doing more and more by the day! As I promised I’m trying to keep you guys up to date with these workouts as much as I can so you can try them out for yourself!
Tonight consisted of chest and back with more of an emphasis on chest. Few different presses, rows and a superset to too things off. I’ll list things out for you below so it’s easy to follow as well as my weights used that way you have a better idea of how to scale things for your own specific ability. If there’s any questions on the workout below or in general email me at confessoreconditioning@gmail.com. Catch you guys for the next workout!
1) Flat bench press 20/15/15(warm up sets)
working sets: 6/4/2 drop set 10
weights used: 225/245/255/205
2)T bar row 20/15/10/4
Weights used: 3 plates,4 plates,5 plates,6 plates(45lb plates)
3)Neutral grip press(If you don’t have this machine you can duplicate this with dumbbells)
20/10/10 drop set 8
4)Single arm dumbbell row 20/15/12
5) Incline dumbbell fly 20/15/15 Superset with MAG grip lat pulldown 20/20/20
*Focus on the negative portion of the flys to really stretch the chest to finish up. As per the pulldowns I held each rep at the bottom for 2-3 seconds to pump as much blood into the muscle as possible!
Hope you guys enjoy this workout if you give it a go! I’ll have a new YouTube for you guys going down this weekend so if you’re not yet already subscribed to the channel it would mean the world to me if you could here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMPU3R0r7TZ2Q8xMbaoBDxA