Epic Cheat Meal: The Best Burger In Ohio !
Traveling to Columbus:
As a lot of you probably saw, this past weekend I was in Columbus Ohio for the 2019 Arnold Classic Sports Festival. Although I have been to quite a few fitness expos in the past this was my first time at the Arnold ! I am familiar with Columbus as I have been here before. The school I graduated from was located in Erie, PA which isn't that far from the Ohio border. However, despite being in familiar territory I never actually had the chance to get on foot and explore Columbus and experience it full force ! That being said I made sure to keep my diet in check the week or so prior to leaving, that way I would be able to have a little "fun" and find one of Ohio's best spots for a cheat meal.
Thurmans Cafe:
When asking people from the area where the best places to eat are, one of the most common answers was "Thurmans Cafe" Everyone who was native to the area told me and my girlfriend we would be making a big mistake if we didn't take the trip(and wait lol) for the experience Thurmans had to offer. So without anything else we went ! We got to the cafe, walked inside and were pleasantly presented with a "90" minute wait. We debated about leaving but then said to each other we're already here so we might as well go for it lol. Fortunately we got lucky enough with a first come first serve bar service, and as soon as we could we hopped up to the bar that felt like it as out of 1970s(Not that either of us know what thats like but we used our imaginations lol) the anticipation was real and without even hesitating I went ahead and ordered the famous " Thurminator" burger and the wait continued..
The "Thurminator"
Well the burger finally got to the table and it was everything it was promised to be. between two buns were two twelve ounce burgers and all the toppings you can think of in the middle, covered in two different types of cheeses. Right a long next to it where a side of delicious fries that didn't stand a chance either. Despite it being the bigger burger I had ever eaten, taking down the terminator took me all of ten minutes. Once finished however, you definitely will not want to move for a few minutes so you might as well get comfortable where you are. All in all it is a must experience while in Columbus Ohio !