shoulder workout RSS

anthony confessore, bodybuilder, bodybuilding, exercise, fitness, fitness model, friday, gym, health, military press, natural bodybuilder, natural bodybuilding, nike, personal trainer, shoulder workout, Shoulders, training, weight loss, workout -

Good Morning guys!! I hope everyone's day is off to a great start! I started my day rather early.. 4am to be exact! Got in a really good shoulder session though with my boy Angel. It's been a while since we trained and it just so happen that getting in the gym early today worked for us both. This workout was pretty simple but the intensity was through the ROOF! We started off with about seven total sets of military press a lone and took things from there, ultimately finishing off with my favorite giant set for shoulders. This workout...

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anthony confessore, bodybuilding, dumbbell, fat loss, fitness, gym, health, long island, military press, natural bodybuilding, personal trainer, shoulder workout, training, weight loss, workout -

Whats up guys! So I got in a very productive shoulder workout yesterday with Brittany. My back was still very sore from Tuesdays session so I tried to avoid as much rear delt work as possible. Focused on presses with this one. For the most part, all my shoulder workouts start off with a standing press. Yesterday I decided to go the dumbbell route as oppose to using the barbell. I'll usually alternate each week though. The lateral/front dumbbell complex is one of my absolute favorites and will destroy your shoulders!! Let me know how you like this one! Have...

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anthony confessore, bodybuilder, bodybuilding, exercise, fitness, gym, health, lifestyle, long island, natural bodybuilder, natural bodybuilding, new york, personal trainer, shoulder workout, Shoulders, trainer, training, workout -

Happy Friday People!!! Even though I personally look forward to each and every single day, I know most people really look forward to their weekends. That's all fine and well, but I strongly urge you to make some sort of change in your life, that allows you to enjoy all of your days!!! Every day alive is amazing in my eyes. They all may not be great, but that's okay! If things are tough they wont last I promise you. On another note! What is tough is recovering from my back workout this week lol. If you happen to miss...

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arm workout, biceps, bodybuilder, bodybuilding, fitness, health, natural bodybuilder, natural bodybuilding, personal trainer, shoulder workout, triceps, weight loss, workout -

Hey guys! Don't think I forgot about you this week lol. I've been waiting to share a workout that's a little more unique and different from my typical workouts. Yesterdays arm workout was just that! Brittany and I decided to run superset's all the way though this one and my arms felt like they were going to explode by the last set!! We got in a good mix of machine and free weight movements all within the rep ranges of 10+ (As high as 30 to start) I do enjoy higher rep training for arms but keep in mind just...

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Bodybuilding, couple, fitness, gym, health, lifestyle, military press, natural bodybuilding, personal trainer, shoulder workout, weight loss, workout -

Hey guys good morning! Actually writing this as I do cardio lol. So last night Brittany and I got in an awesome shoulder workout together. It’s actually one of her favorite muscles to train so it always makes for a good workout together. Friday’s I usually train early am around 530 so it was real nice to train with a little more food in me and sleep under my belt lol. We started off with standing military presses using the bar.. Last week we used dumbbells. I like to alternate each week to keep both sides balanced when on pressing!...

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